This fall, the Block Supporter Initiative will kick-off a recycling campaign called “We Recycle with Pride,” geared toward increasing resident and corner store recycling in North Camden. The project is made possible through a partnership with the Camden Collaborative Initiative and the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority. In addition to providing recycling education and increasing recycling efforts in North Camden, “We Recycle with Pride” will create a report that shares tips for success and lessons learned, for other communities that want to increase recycling in their neighborhoods.

Look for FREE recycling cans at our fall Block Supporter Initiative events, thanks to a partnership with the City of Camden Department of Public Works! We’ll also have recycling coloring books and crayons for kids, provided by Camden Special Services District. The Camden Reports flier we provide at all events promotes a website residents can use to report illegal dumping – because, when you’re doing your part to keep it clean, it’s not fair to let illegal dumping ruin that! Also, a recycling billboard was just posted at N. 7th and Elm Streets and will remain throughout November (pictured above).

For more information, please contact Jessica Franzini at (856) 342-8088 or

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