Billboards “Change the Message!” in North Camden
In North Camden, six neighborhood billboards are changing the message – promoting positive messages, events, and resources for the community! Tired of seeing negative ads for funeral homes, cheap divorce, and alcohol on North Camden’s billboards, CLHI Executive Director Betsy Clifford started “Change the Message” in January of 2017. “I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be great for […]
Community Arts Project Transforms Eyesore
In the summer of 2017, through the Decorative Board Up program, CLHI worked with The Neighborhood Foundation, the Camden Community Development Association, and the YMCA of Burlington and Camden Counties to host a community art project to transform a blighted abandoned house at N. 6th and Grant Streets from eyesore-to-asset. With wide-open windows and traces […]
WE WON! Liquor Store Proposal Withdrawn
On Monday, September 18th, the Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Board announced that the application to open a liquor store at 724 State Street in North Camden was withdrawn. WE WON! Thank you to all who got involved! This was a huge win for the community, who came out in staggering numbers to oppose the opening […]
Sign Our Petition: Say NO to New Liquor Store for North Camden
The North Camden community is saying “NO!” to a new liquor store at 724 State Street, at the late Sam Plaza’s La Posada Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor. This building, closed but in beautiful condition, is located in the heart of North Camden, with residents living on either side, a church and school operating within […]
Preliminary Decorative Board Up Study Revealed at National Conference
On Monday, August 14th, the preliminary findings of a North Camden based Decorative Board Up study were revealed at the national NeighborWorks America conference in Philadelphia. With over 40 one-on-one interviews on record and more planned as the study moves forward, researchers Lewis Bivona and Marcus Biddle shared up-close-and-personal stories from the people most impacted by Decorative Board Up in Camden – […]